Ready to be a Highly Paid Ads Manager (even if you're new)?
This is THE Fastest Way to Grow & Scale your Ad Agency Working With Only 2-4 Clients...
Even if you’re new, don’t have case studies or testimonials or you’re just tired of hearing “I can’t afford it…”
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How to start charging agency rates even if you’re brand new or a team of one (this is how I scaled to $25k/month as a freelancer). If you're not charging at least $2k+/month for ad management then you definitely don't want to miss this.

The ONE thing that will help you scale faster + charge more + work with better clients (and why this is my #1 non negotiable). This is also the #1 thing that will cut the hours you work in half so you can avoid burnout and spend more time doing things you love.

Agency secrets for creating high ticket recurring revenue in your business so you can make $100K+ with just 2-4 clients + the little known income booster you can use to increase your income without taking on more clients.

The Simple $10/Day Ad Funnel I used for 8+ years to stay booked out with high ticket dream clients that you can easily set up in less than an afternoon.

Plan out your own Profitable Agency RoadMap with me so by the end of the workshop you'll walk away with the exact framework you need to scale your agency working with only a handful of clients.

Finally, I'll share how you can get access to my entire agency model so you can launch your ad business in just a few weeks...
Let's do this!